Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Little Thing I like to Call Manny's Wood

Get it, it was a play on Mannywood... Well DBB writer Jason Plum beat me to the punch on this one, but isn't this ever so fitting, for the Dodgers, for Manny, for all my Dodgers hopes and dreams? I have been some what convinced for several years now that we as Dodger fans are going to be the next Red Sox fans circa... uh the 86 years before 2004 I guess. A proud fan base with a pathetic organization, the team that is always in the thick of it, but somehow find's a way to get all A-Rod when it counts.

Oddly enough, that is why we are here for this installment, Manny couldn't perform when it counted... and I am in no way referring to baseballs, bats, or leather gloves, well maybe I am (I have no idea what Man Ram is into: his business) but as this is a family show I will leave it at that. Poor Manny was just lookin' to please the laydayzzzz (see how I can type and make it sound sexy: someone nominate me for a Pulitzer) and his punishment, about two months of unpaid leave. Poor guy, all that time on his hands and he can't even get his swurve on... because he only swings the wood on the baseball field, apparently his bedroom wood needs that extra edge and that is what got him in this position in the first place!

Honestly, if this is in fact true it WOULD BE freakin hilarious, if Manny still played for the Red Sox. I'm talking like BITCH TITS funny too. I'm sure by now you all know my hatred for the Red Sox. As it stands right now, this is like the worst thing that could ever happen. I am not mad at Manny, and even if he really was on roids I wouldn't be surprised because, again, everyone it seems juiced something at some point in the last decade or two. I am half expecting to find out Greg Maddux was juicing when he was pumping those 86 MPH fastballs down the pipe at age 40. I really do not care about steroids, unless it's Barry Bonds we are talking about, he is a cheater. the may have just gone from hero to zero in as long as it takes Manny to perform in the bedroom (without his pills).

I hope you are all prepared for a .500 record for the next 50 games, if we are lucky. Set MLB history one day, and the next your throwing out the sheets and going to Target for new linens because you just shat the bed, baseball much like life can be a fickle bitch. I really have nothing else to contribute to this, I've been sleep deprived the last few days and now this, so my thought process is a little screwy. Hope it was fun. Take 'er easy (and if she;s that easy, take 'er twice) ZING! POW! phhhtt... the last one is Manny in the sack.

Editor's Note: Dodger Blue Balls would like to express the the deranged ramblings exhibited by some of its writers are not the Company's stance. Dodger Blue Balls would dually like to apologize for even allowing one of their writers to reduce this once informative site to a smut-peddling den of iniquity filled with tasteless bedroom humor. The writer , OJ, will surely be let go any day now.

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